According to a report published by Frost & Sullivan, the Research and Development (R&D) outsourcing market for information technology in India is estimated to grow to $9.1 billion by 2010 from $1.3 billion in 2003—a compounded annual growth rate of 32 percent.
If the developments and research projections are anything to go by, then by 2008, the market size of the offshore product development in India is going to increase exponentially, taking the number of engineers engaged in the OPD space from 1,00,000 to 2,50,000.
OPD in India has just begun and will continue to grow in the next four years. “Global sourcing has become strategic for Indian companies which realize that it is necessary to stay competitive

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Outsource Product Development
Emulation is providing Outsource software development. First
of all I will tell u the exact meaning of outsourcing. It means that any job, project, task, problem, operation or process that
could be performed by employees within an organization, but is instead contracted to a third party for a significant period
of time. The functions that are performed by the third party can be performed on-site or off-site. Means outside of Indian
company or Big hearted companies hiring the other companies to complete their side project for broad our business.
Because big hearted companies are concentrate on their core activities.
Emulation is providing Outsource software development. First
of all I will tell u the exact meaning of outsourcing. It means that any job, project, task, problem, operation or process that
could be performed by employees within an organization, but is instead contracted to a third party for a significant period
of time. The functions that are performed by the third party can be performed on-site or off-site. Means outside of Indian
company or Big hearted companies hiring the other companies to complete their side project for broad our business.
Because big hearted companies are concentrate on their core activities.
Emulation is providing Outsource software development. First
of all I will tell u the exact meaning of outsourcing. It means that any job, project, task, problem, operation or process that
could be performed by employees within an organization, but is instead contracted to a third party for a significant period
of time. The functions that are performed by the third party can be performed on-site or off-site. Means outside of Indian
company or Big hearted companies hiring the other companies to complete their side project for broad our business.
Because big hearted companies are concentrate on their core activities.
Offshore outsourcing is the major source to earn more n more revenue for India. The India is the number one country who provides large number of employment through outsourcing. Many software development companies in India provide both outsourcing and development in affordable prices.
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