India has emerged as a major software development destination in the world. Best
Software Development Companies of the world are from India because this country has many advantages over others. It has a very large number of English speaking populations, which is more than in any other non-English speaking country. India has geographical advantage also. Being almost 12 hours ahead of US helps the workforce to follow the sun approach for outsourcing. Even the government in India has a very positive approach for the industry and is keen to extend every possible hand to help them grow rapidly. A lot of tax incentives are been give to Software industry. Special Economic Zones are being setup for the IT and software industry.
The future of outsourcing software to India is promising. Phenomenal growth is being seen here that has led to a huge competition between
Software development companies. Every company is working to outdo each other to climb the ladder of success. This has increased the demand for software developers. Skilled developers are being rewarded well. The key is to possess apt subject knowledge along with a command over communicating skills.
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